Group Coaching 
Personal Finance Isn’t Personal if You’re Blindly Copying Someone Else’s Plan
Ready to Find Your Financial Sweet Spot?
Create a budget. Spend less than you earn. Get out of debt. You’ve heard it all before. Supposedly, these how-tos are the answer to every and any money related question, problem or desire anyone could have – including yours.
- It would simply be a matter of math: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
- Having a laissez faire attitude about your money, year after year, would be a-okay.
- It would never feel overwhelming, frustrating, or out of control, at times.
- You’d never feel foggy, ambiguous and sometimes just plain old scared. You’d never wonder if you’re managing your money “right.” And you’d rarely have the sense that something is missing.
When you increase the awareness of your emotions, beliefs and behavior with money and combine that with the analysis of your numbers, you inevitably make better money decisions.
You just have to be willing to “do” money, differently.
That’s what I help my clients do.
When I work with clients, my number #1 goal is to make personal finance, personal. One way I do that is by helping them discover their money strengths, money style & money personality – the ingredients that take money beyond the numbers.
I help my clients find their financial sweet spot. Ready to find yours?
What goal might you achieve if you found your financial sweet spot? Could you…
- have a plan for saving $50,000 or more in cash in 5 years
- go from renting to owning your dream house
- go from not having a clue about your investments to being savvy
- go from being overwhelmed by your debt to feeling at peace – not because you’re suddenly debt-free but because you now have a workable plan to reduce and eliminate your debt
- go from a dual-income household to a single-income one – without majorly sacrificing the lifestyle you and your mate have worked to cultivate
- go from feeling like everyone else, except you, has this money thing figured out to knowing you have the answers that are right for you?
I’m Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist, and the creator of the group coaching program – Find Your Financial Sweet Spot. It is an invitation-only program for a small, eclectic group of women and men looking for creative and less stressful ways to accomplish their money and money-based goals.
The program’s philosophy represents an approach to money management that never leads with the numbers (but always improves them) and is based on practices I’ve used with hundreds of coaching clients and thousands of workshop participants with much success. Similarly, I’ve shared these on stages at conferences, corporations, and on national TV platforms like CNN, HLN, FOX and Black Enterprise TV.
Find Your Financial Sweet Spot will run again beginning in January, 2016. The program is structured in that by the end of ten (10) weeks of working together, you will have a fully integrated savings, investment, spending and earnings plan – all based on your money strengths, money style + money personality.
Specifically, we’ll:
- Set behavior-based goals – to make creating and measuring the intermediate actions you need to take to achieve the ultimate goals you’re working toward easier to track
- Discover your financial strengths by exploring your behaviors with money and beyond – to shift your focus away from improving your weaknesses to using what’s already working
- Identify the strategy that works best for you (no one-size-fits-all thinking here) and implement it in a way that feels natural to you – so you can stop following tips, ideas and techniques that don’t resonate with you
- Identify what types of systems + structure you need to best support you and your relationship with money
- Make it easy for you to remember that whatever plan you create, it WILL have to be modified – because, well, life isn’t static!
In other words… You will have a framework for connecting what you want money to do for you with what you do with your money.
But the structure will never interfere with the program’s goal of creating intimacy and helping you expand your comfort zone. Because I know that even when you want a partner to help you make changes, you can be terrified by what that requires + what that exposes.
Likewise, I recognize that you like keeping your financial life private. That’s one of the reasons for keeping each cohort small and intimate. It’s also why this group coaching program is invitation-only. You apply so I can ensure we have the right group gathered together.
And as an expert, I can tell you that sharing your financial goals, your financial struggles and your financial values with other like-minded people is a wonderful way to do even more with your money. It also happens to be an excellent way to get better at doing something different with what you already have.
Here’s how Find Your Financial Sweet Spot works:
- Weekly assignments, with corresponding PDF worksheets + checklists
- Individualized feedback on these assignments
- Weekly calls, where I facilitate discussions and provide group coaching
- Community Access – between calls, we’ll connect in a private Google+ group. This is a confidential space where you can ask additional questions, share resources and tap into the group’s collective experience and expertise.
What you need:
- A phone or Skype
- A Google account to access Google Drive + and join the G+ community
- A willingness to fully participate and push through those occasional moments of resistance
Your investment:
The investment for this invitation-only program is $1250 (or 3 payments of $429). And the best part? This includes access to the program materials and G+ community even after the program’s end AND membership to the Financial Intimacy Lounge. Our Winter program will begin in January, 2016.
Find Your Financial Sweet Spot is for you if…
- You’re ready to replace uncertainty with confidence
- You’re ready to do something different with your money
- The idea of small groups, but significant change excites you
- Money done better is simply…appealing. Because settling for “good enough” is not how you roll. You strive for the best in every area of your life.
If you’re interested in joining me and others for this financial adventure to discover where your money strengths, money style + money personality meet for the best results – to identify your locus of control, please apply now. It only takes five minutes. p.s. Couples registering for the program count as a single (1) participant. But each person should complete an application.