Shared Harvest Foundation Pre-Session Questionnaire

Enhancing your workshop experience starts here…


Hello! I’m Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist and the author of “Financial Intimacy.” And I am SO excited about meeting you.

I know talking about money can be anxiety-ridden, boring and the very last thing folks want to do – until I enter the room. -:) When it comes to money, I make the science art by creating engaging, accessible, action-focused experiences that include the nuances of you and your life. So, be prepared to actually have fun talking about money and your relationship with it.

During our time together, we’re going to talk about your goals, circumstances, and what it takes to ditch the traditional approach to personal finance – which includes creating (or refining) your financial vision, adopting a fresh take on key habits, and developing systems to help you navigate setbacks and adjust to successes.

Regardless of where you are on the income and wealth specturm, I’m going to share a practical and profound framework that is bound to shift how you look at your money; how you perceive its role in your life; and how you determine which choices are the best ones to make to support your goal of living life on your own terms (read: it reflects your money style, strengths and personality). And I promise, we’ll have fun!

Completing the below questionnaire before-hand will enhance your engagement at the live-event, because it will help you “filter” how you digest the information, insight and tools we discuss. Plus, it helps me to tailor our session to the trends I notice from the responses. So, thank very much for completing this.

Excited for our time together!

In what area(s) of money do you feel you have the best money habits?(Required)
What area(s) of money causes you the most stress?(Required)
When was the last time you analyzed your spending?(Required)
Do you have debt?(Required)
Excluding mortgage, if relevant
If you answered yes above, does your debt ever feel overwhelming?
Are you first-generation, i.e., the first in your family to have a graduate degree and/or earn a six-figure salary?(Required)
If you'd like a copy of your answers for reference during the workshop please provide your preferred email. PLEASE NOTE: Your email **will not** be added to an email list. Plus, your responses **will not** be shared with your employer.

Many thanks!

Many thanks for answering the above questions. Enhancing your workshop experience is important to me, and it helps when I know a little bit about what's important to you. So, thank you! Looking forward to our time together on Wednesday, October 23rd, and the chance it'll give me to work with you. You'll walk away from this session with a shifted mindset, new clarity and confidence, and tools you can implement immediately.

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