What happens when you find something boring – even when you know it is good for you? You typically avoid it, right?

For many people, managing their money fits this bill. It is akin to watching paint dry – that is how painfully b.o.r.i.n.g. it is for them. Does this describe you, too? Sure, you might enjoy earning money (who doesn’t?), but when it comes to all the other aspects of it…well, that’s another story.

However, has it ever occurred to you that the reason you find money boring has little to do with money?

Imagine this:

Money isn’t boring; you just need to be more curious!

Curiosity as a tool

Heidi Johnson, of FridayPrize.com, advocates following your curiosity over following your passion to discover “work worth doing.” During a recent conversation with her, not only did I think she was onto something with her message, I realized that the practice of curiosity is probably one of the most under-utilized skills for making and having more money.

Think about it: how much of your success, personally and professionally, is because you had the mindset of curiosity. You wanted to go beneath the surface and discover more; you were open to new experiences and decisions?

With this in mind, here’s me taking a stab at illustrating how dialing-up your curiosity can actually get you excited about all aspects of money in ways you may not have imagined before. Why does this matter? Because excited and open is a useful combo that will make sure you:

  • are less haphazard in your approach to money
  • position yourself to make better choices
  • ask for help when you need it
  • miss fewer opportunities to grow your money
  • amplify your efforts to experience life more on your own terms

When you practice more curiosity, you…

1) Listen more. When you’re a great listener, you pay attention both to what is said as well as what isn’t said. You hone in on clues of all types.

When it comes to money, “listening” takes the form of paying attention to the feedback money is giving you about the quality of the choices you’re making.

2) Are comfortable admitting you don’t know it all; in fact, you see asking questions and asking for help as signs of strength. The process of and then getting answers is what fuels you!

When it comes to money, this means reading articles, blogs and books; taking classes and courses; speaking with family, friends and colleagues; and working with professionals to get help closing your knowledge gaps, or to get guidance you didn’t know you needed.

3) Think like a scientist. Curiosity is at the core of what a scientist does, right? Inquiry, research, find some answers, dig a bit deeper. Repeat. This is the spirit of experimentation.

When it comes to money thinking like a scientist means creating a process to develop the results you desire and honoring this process just as much as you do the results.

4) Have a plan; you have a strategy; but you are fluid about your tactics.

When it comes to money, this means not freaking out when the market drops or when you make a choice that turns out to be a mistake. Why? Because you a) prepared for the unexpected, b) know growth and success are not linear, and c) you have a plan and a strategy – aka a map – for rebounding with as much ease as possible.

5) Peel away the layers until you see the real problem; not just what’s obvious.

When it comes to money, especially when you’re struggling with debt, this means figuring out if what you really have is an earnings problem.

The problem with thinking money is boring is that you unwittingly succumb to one of the biggest financial handicaps you can have. It is a sentiment that locks you in and can cause you to forget that life is about stages and with each stage comes new challenges and new issues.

In my opinion, one of the biggest appeals to using the mindset of curiosity as a tool to manage your money is that it invites you to live more by-design (rather than by-default).

To me, curiosity is inherent. But it can also be developed with intention. And, I have come to the conclusion that it is a skill your money needs you to have!

Curiosity…use it more and let me know if your financial results improve as I suspect they will.

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