At this time of year, you might be taking stock of the year – reflecting on your goals and thinking about where you are vs. where you thought you’d be. It’s an exercise that calls for both a celebration of your successes, as well as a reckoning with yourself about where you missed the mark and fell short of being able to say: “accomplished.”

From both your failures and successes, you learned a thing or two along the way. So, I thought it’d be cool to do an experiment — to crowdsource the money lessons my peeps learned this year.

I mean why just learn from what you did or didn’t do; wouldn’t it be wonderful and valuable to know what others did and wished they had not (or didn’t do and wish they had)?

You game?

If so, here’s a brief questionnaire (four questions), and you can remain anonymous if you choose:…

From the collective responses, I’ll write a summary that will serve as a re-cap of the lessons, patterns and actions to take. Who knows, you might discover new ideas about strategy, tactics, best practices and tools that may help you achieve your goals faster and with greater ease. And, hopefully, make it even easier for you to live the life you deeply desire!

Here’s to us learning from one another!

Because you never know how someone else’s lessons might come in handy for you in the future…and vice versa.

p.s. Click here to complete the form.

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