At first blush, this may seem an unusual question to pose for a holiday message. But given the year that is (and has been), it seems very fitting to me. 

And in perfect alignment with the quote I share each year at this time:

“The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.” ~~ Rainer Maria Rilke

I love this quote. 

In part, because every year it reveals something new to me and takes on a different meaning to and for me. Also, it feels to be perfectly aligned with the question: With What Will You Fill in the Blanks?

The question was inspired by a quote by the famed college basketball coach, Pat Summitt. If you are a Lady Vols fan like my mother was, you’ve probably heard it: “In the absence of feedback, people will fill in the blanks with a negative.” 

I heard it recently at the top of a yoga class taught by Kathryn Budig on Glo. 

If you’ve been a part of my world for awhile, you know I am an avid runner. But I started taking yoga classes this Summer to intentionally do things I’m not good at. It was my way of moving into a space of growth and expansion. 

Sorta like what 2020 has done for many of us — ushered us into a space of growth and expansion. 

As I reflect on the year, I’m well aware of what didn’t come to fruition as I had hope. But…I’m also even more keenly aware (thankfully) of all the good that did happen.

Especially those things I hadn’t planned on or for; I call these “beautiful surprises.” 

Another reminder that it is useful to examine what didn’t work and why, yet never let that overshadow all that did go well.

The holiday season is, indeed, a time for celebration. 

It is also a time for reflection, affirmation, and gratitude. And, it’s a reminder of the resiliency that brought you and I this far, and that will carry us forward. Regardless of the vast unknown.

This resiliency is also what will carry you through the holiday season if you’re not feeling all that festive right now. Especially if that is because you’ve experienced some losses that took your breath away.

So, whether you’re skipping through the holiday season with a light heart and full of joy. Or, whether you’re wishing 2020 would finally. end. already. Or, you’re someplace in between. Here’s my holiday wish for you; that you’ll…

  • Be on the lookout for blessings that may come your way, but in ways and through people you hadn’t imagined.
  • Prioritize your well-being in 2021 – in every area of your life (it’s not selfish).
  • Never let an opportunity to express love – in ways small and large – pass you by.
  • Make bold new commitments to go after what you want with a more fervent heart – even if you’re scared as hell and not assured of success.

Just like your 2020 experiences transformed you. May you let those from 2021 do the same for you.

I wish you and yours all the best and much joy and beauty as you continue to celebrate the holiday season and get ready to welcome in 2021.

May the New Year be filled with just enough challenges to help you grow, blessings beyond measure – and then some more. May you have more than a few unexpected surprises that bring a huge smile to your face and your heart!

Here’s to hoping you will fill in the blanks with all that is good and positive.

And…here’s a hearty thank you – to you! 

I couldn’t be more grateful for the blessing it is to have you be part of my world; I couldn’t be more grateful to you for taking the time to drop by my website and spend some time with me here.

Season’s Greeting!! Happy New Year!! And, please stay safe.

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