3 Debt Mistakes You’re Probably Making –
And How to Fix Them
If you’ve ever said…
“I wish getting out of debt wasn’t so hard.”
“I never thought getting out of debt would take so long.”
“My life will be so much better when I’m debt free!”
Then it’s probably safe to assume you wish your debt would go away – STAT.
What started out as a welcomed tool to help you do, have or experience something, now feels like a weighted ball & chain.
Your debt is slowing you down – financially and energetically.
It’s having an impact on almost every aspect of your life – and not in the way you want. Coming between you and your most desired dreams and goals; making the gap between where you are now and the future want seem wider and wider.

All this despite the fact that you’re working harder than ever, and doing everything possible to get out of the debt.
And instead of you feeling in control and on top of your money game…
…you feel, at times, anxious, embarrassed, over-whelmed and unhappy with yourself and your situation.
You’re so “head down” working hard to pay off your debt that you’ve never considered that part of what’s making the process feel so difficult and take so long is the approach you’re using.
I don’t bring this up to further upset you and give you yet one more thing to worry about. I share it to introduce you to an alternative way to tackle your debt and to provide some hope…and a plan.
Because if you change your approach, you can…
- significantly reduce your stress and overwhelm
- design the lifestyle you want, instead of feeling like you’re stuck with the lifestyle you have
- take back control of you life, instead of your debt controlling your life
All you need to do is fix the three (3) common mistakes you’re probably making as you work to get rid of your debt.

I’m Jacquette M. Timmons – a financial behaviorist and the author of “Financial Intimacy: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Money and Your Mate.” I provide behavior-based financial coaching for singles, couples and entrepreneurs and workshops (for corporations, non-profits and conferences).
My body of work, which also includes my writings and media appearances explores a variety of “money and…” intersections.
And, I’m slightly obsessed with getting you to see that you don’t manage money per se…you manage your choices around money.
Everything I do is with the goal of helping you make better, smarter moves with your money.
I have an MBA in finance and an undergrad in marketing from a design school – a combination that helps me bring a designer’s mind-set to you and your situation.
By blending creativity, analysis and empathy, I help you solve problems, get answers, and satisfy your desires. In other words, I help you get out of your way so you can achieve your goals.
That is why I am SO thrilled to announce

Jacquette M. Timmons
Out of the Red; Back to Black
a four-part, virtual “Lunch-n-Learn” workshop designed to help you become debt free faster… and with greater ease
Join us to discover the extent to which you’re making one (or all) of the mistakes I see people making when it comes to getting out of debt – and learn how to fix them:
- Treating your high-value debt in exactly the same way as you treat your low-value debt — not all debt is equal
- Not knowing if you have an earnings or spending problem, or both, and as s result “fixing” the wrong problem
- Foregoing savings because you’re putting every dollar and cent toward paying off debt. But this is neither smart nor strategic and, in a counter-intuitive way, tends to lengthen the time it takes you to get to zero debt
Join us to find out how to tackle your debt differently and have more time, money and emotional freedom than you do now!
“I’m so appreciative of your advice on the Debt Matrix. It was a total paradigm shift – that I desperately needed to hear. My student loan debt is hefty but not insurmountable. Thank you!”
Here’s how it works:
- We meet for four (4) weeks, virtually, by phone/webcast, from 12:15pm – 1:15pm ET
- Each session will be part lesson; part Q&A
- Each session is recorded
- Each week you’ll have homework
The dates & our focus:
- Tuesday, June 27th – profiling your debt, so that you don’t make the mistake of treating all your debt equally
- Tuesday, July 11th – identifying the real problem (do you have an earnings or a spending problem; or both), so that you don’t make the mistake of fixing the wrong problem
- Tuesday, July 18th – creating a savings AND debt reduction strategy, so you remember to prioritize savings, too, and don’t make the mistake of directing all your time, attention and money to paying down your debt
- Tuesday, July 25th – creating a simple, action-oriented 90-day “Implementation & Productivity” game-plan
The price: $399
Unlike some “get out of debt” books, programs and workshops, “Out of the Red, Back to Black,” doesn’t approach debt as if it is just a financial issue.
Yes, we will crunch your numbers. But we will also tackle your mindset, an oft overlooked aspect of getting out of debt.
We will use a three-pronged approach (numbers, mindset and action) to fix the three common debt mistakes you’re probably making. Mistakes that are likely the reason why the weight of your debt (especially student loan or credit card) feels heavy, either because your outstanding balance has grown to an unyielding amount, you’re suffering from time fatigue – aka it’s taking way too long, or both.
You don’t just give the information, which honestly is out there in a myriad of places. What is unique is that you take the audience by the hand and walk them through a journey that helps them establish a clear, working, personalized system and then support them through its implementation.
“Out of the Red, Back to Black” offers an alternative, better way to tackle your debt. This 4-part, virtual workshop will help you create a holistic game-plan – one that will help you take back control of you life, instead of feeling like your debt is controlling your life. And it doesn’t matter if the journey to zero debt is one that will take you six-months or six-years.
So, if you’re ready to reduce your stress & overwhelm and not let debt steal anyone more of your joy, then let’s spend a few weeks together this summer tackling your debt – differently.
Let’s get you back to black!
p.s. Treating all your debt equally; fixing the wrong problem and not saving as you payoff your debt is causing you to lose money – in terms of cashflow today as well as in the future – and opportunities to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in the future. So if you’re wondering why pay $399 (or a little more than $1 a day) for help to get out of debt, here’s why: to immediately start to save significantly more than $1 a day and to reap the financial and energetic benefits thereof and live the life you want!