Enhancing your 1:1 financial coaching and/or workshop experience at the retreat starts here…


Hello! I’m Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist and the author of “Financial Intimacy.” And I am SO excited about meeting you.

During the upcoming retreat, we’re going to talk about your goals, circumstances and what it takes to create (or refine) your financial vision and a plan to support it. I’m going to share a practical and profound framework that is bound to shift how you look at your money; how you perceive its role in your life; and how you determine which choices are the best ones to make to support your goal of living life on your own terms (read: it reflects your money style, strengths and personality). And I promise, we’ll have fun!

Completing this brief questionnaire before-hand will enhance your engagement at the retreat, by helping you “filter” how you digest the information, insight and tools we’ll discuss. Plus, if you schedule a 1:1 coaching session with me, this can frame our time together. 

  • Excluding mortgage, if relevant
  • To get a copy of your answers for reference during our 1:1 coaching session and/or the workshop on November 14, please provide your preferred email. PLEASE NOTE: Your email will not be added to an email list. Plus, your responses will not be shared with your employer.
  • Many thanks!

    Many thanks for answering the above questions. It helps when I know a little bit about what's important to you. So, thank you! Looking forward to our time together and the chance it'll give me to help you make better, smarter moves with your money.

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