
The things we have to learn before we do them, we learn by doing them. -Aristotle

Every opportunity to speak about the intersection of money and life is a chance to help people change their behavior with and around money. We speak in front of groups large and small, and whether we are commissioned to present our signature workshops or present a custom-designed one for a client; give a commissioned plenary speech; or participate in a panel discussion, we don’t just give out information. At Sterling, we view these as various training platforms and present with a focus on helping you transform general information into meaningful knowledge. Our training approach is based upon the principles of experiential learning, learning that enables you to simultaneously discover new concepts while being reminded of what you already know but do not consistently practice.

Likewise, we design live and virtual training experiences that embody the three primary learning styles, address your needs and wants, foster individual and collective learning, and expose your thoughts and feelings. In other words, we meet you right where you are!

The content and format of each speaking engagement is different, but the overall goals are the same-to help you feel:

– Confident that you are making the right choices with your money;
– In control of your money.

And to help you see the connection between your thoughts, behavior, choices, and financial condition.

All of our speaking engagements are executed utilizing an application-based teaching style. This approach embraces the philosophy that you learn best and retain more with practice. We believe this to be more valuable than a lecture-oriented teaching approach.

Whether we are presenting a live or virtual workshop, you will experience a highly interactive, engaging, enlightening and informative session.

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