If You’re Using Your Tax Refund to Pay Off Debt, Do This First
As you may recall from last week, I invited you to take a survey to share what you plan to do with your tax refund. Not too surprisingly, the majority of people who completed it said they plan to use their tax refund to pay off debt. From a percentage standpoint, this...
Giving Thanks for You
Thank you. Not the perfunctory expression of gratitude. I’m talking about the drop to my knees – I am aware that I’m not entitled to your attention – kind of thanks. Backstory: I have been hoping (praying earnestly, in fact) for something. I...
Lessons From Tammy: What Goal Might You Achieve if You Did What She Did?
Imagine: You’re a college graduate. You’ve been working for 15 years. In other words, you are a full-fledged adult with grown-up responsibilities. But you have this dream; it’s one you’ve had for a very long time; and to pursue it, you have to...
The 6 Non-Financial Skills You Need to Give Your Money Clarity
From a big picture standpoint, are you very clear about what you want in life and what you want your future to look and feel like? But, is what you need to do next whether that is tomorrow, next week, next month or next year a bit fuzzy? When it comes to your...